Monster Bites

Welcome to the ultimate gift guide of fun! The holiday season is upon us, and we are here to make your gift shopping experience a breeze. With our incredible selection of toys, games, crafts and activities, you can transform this...

With how busy our lives can get, we forget to take a step back and break up our routines. Sometimes it helps to do something special for yourself (and some friends) in order to de-stress and have fun. Nothing works...

Let’s talk about some products that will leave you bubbling with excitement! Craft-tastic has a whole line of potion-making kits that provide kids with small potion bottles and magical recipes to make your very own magical potions! These potion kits are...

After a long year of learning and test-taking, the school year is just about done. To celebrate all the wonderful academic achievements and newfound freedom of graduation, here are some great games for new grads! 5 Second Rule Whether you...

Just about anyone who has ever gotten a gift before can tell you that there’s a value in knowing someone made something for them that outshines nearly any other type of present—even the shiny expensive ones. We know how...

We’re proud to announce that our Chief PlayMonster, Bob Wann, has been inducted into the Toy Industry Hall of Fame! Thank you to all those who voted, and congratulations to the fellow inductees! Read more about this honor in The...

Hey families! Do you remember when there were 9 planets? Wow, us too! Now it seems up for debate whether Pluto is on the list. The International Astronomical Union decided in 2006 to designate Pluto as a "dwarf planet.” Ouch....

As the weather gets cooler, kids are going to miss their favorite outdoor activities. Things like swing sets, sandboxes, pools and bike rides aren’t always possible when fall rolls around. But just because you can’t go outside doesn’t mean you...

Halloween... The big spooky day is coming up, and kids love to celebrate! Here’s some (not too) scary activities for you and your little ones to get into the spirit! 1. Toy Trick or Treat Grab some dolls, action figures...

Many kids’ favorite “school subject” is recess. Running around the playground with friends, letting their imaginations run free and having almost no limits is an amazing feeling. Recess is such a great time because it activates both a child’s mind...

It’s no secret that kids love to be wacky and wild. And that type of energetic play is great for childhood development. But sometimes a more relaxed style of play can be just as effective. Developing fine-motor skills, solving problems...