Just about anyone who has ever gotten a gift before can tell you that there’s a value in knowing someone made something for them that outshines nearly any other type of present—even the shiny expensive ones. We know how important our own time is, so when we know people took their own time to create something for us, even if it isn’t perfect or worth a lot of money, it lets us know how much they care about us that they were willing to spend their precious time on us.
With Mother’s Day right around the corner, here are some fantastic Loopdedoo-inspired ideas for heartfelt, meaningful gifts to make and give this year!
Make Bracelets
Jewelry is a popular Mother’s Day gift for all the important women in your life (speaking as a woman, who doesn’t love getting some fun jewelry?)—so loop up some adorable, one-of-a-kind bracelets for all your moms this year!
What’s great about Loopdedoo® is that you aren’t stuck making the same general design in different colors over and over again like many thread-bracelet-making techniques. Loopdedoo® comes with a whole booklet of design ideas so that every design you make can be different and tailored to whoever you’re gifting it to!
They’re also quick and easy to make, so you can make as many bracelets for as many motherly figures in your life as you want. That’s right—Grandma gets a bracelet, Nana gets a bracelet, Aunt Lisa gets a bracelet, everyone can get a bracelet!
Embellish Your Presents
At this point, it’s possible you’ve already gotten your mom something special—way to be on top of it! No worries, you can still use a Loopdedoo® to give your presents a special look and add that handmade feeling to any present you’re giving away. Make longer (or connect multiple) bracelets to tie around your present as a fun, adorable bow! It’s exactly the sort of minor detail that will knock your mom’s socks off on Sunday!
Craft Other Accessories
Mom doesn’t like bracelets? No problem! Loopdedoo® is versatile, allowing you to make longer or shorter designs based on your needs. If mom doesn’t need any bracelets, maybe she’ll love a cute zipper pull, a stylish headband, or a fun new belt! The only limit is your imagination!
Have a Crafting Party
To take things to a whole new level, consider inviting your mom to spend time with you making some fun Loopdedoo® bracelets together! After all, your time is made more valuable when spending it with someone you love! Get multiple bracelet looms or take turns picking colors and designs for one another and swapping off who makes each bracelet.
Then the gifts become twofold: you are making things to give to one another (or anyone else you both know) and the time you spend together is another wonderful gift for the both of you! Loopdedoo® was invented by engineer and mom Sheila Wright to help her kids more easily create their own bracelets, so it’s the perfect activity for Mother’s Day, or any other day alongside the moms in your life.
Whether you decide to make something for your mom, with your mom, or save these ideas for the future, take some time to try out a Loopdedoo® sometime soon! If you have one—great—you’re ready to get started! If not, find a Loopdedoo® at Michaels or other stores in your area and start looping!